3rd Movement:  Liber scriptus 

The Liber scriptus is accompanied by a video tour of the Metropolitan Cathedral of Saints Vitus, Wenceslaus and Adalbert, located in Prague, Czech Republic.

Liber scriptus, like each of the composition's movements, was inspired by the beauty and grandeur of some of the world's great cathedrals and churches..

The Text   Liber scriptus (a book written)  Tradition has it that the Dies Irae originated with St. Gregory the Great in the 4th century, though it is probably a much later addition to the Mass. Although it is part of the 19-stanza Dies Irae (Day of Wrath) section of the Mass (Dies Irae stanzas 5 and 6), in most Requiem compositions the Liber scriptus is a separate movement. 

The Composition    The movement is scored for SATB chorus, boys’ choir, and tenor soloist. The string section includes 24 violins, 8 violas, 8 cellos, and 9 double basses.  The woodwinds and brass include 1 English horn, 1 flute, 6 French Horns, and 2 trombones.

We have also published a version of this video as A Beacon in the Darkness, which I published in 2023. 

Latin Text and 

English Translation

Liber scriptus proferetur

In quo totum continetur

Unde mundus judicetur.

Judex ergo cum sedebit,

Quidquid latet apparebit.

Nil inultum remanebit.

The written book shall be brought

In which all is contained

Whereby the world shall be judged

When the judge takes His seat,

all that is hidden shall appear.

Nothing will remain unavenged.